As a business owner, it’s important to be aware of your business’s risks. One of the most important risks is HIPAA compliance. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires businesses that handle protected health information (PHI) to take certain steps to protect this data from unauthorized access or disclosure. This includes conducting a risk assessment to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in your organization’s security measures.

Risks Your Business Faces That You Should Be Aware Of
What is a HIPAA Risk Assessment?
A HIPAA risk assessment is an essential element of HIPAA compliance that can help identify areas of vulnerability and weakness to prevent data breaches. It involves assessing the administrative, physical, and technical safeguards in place at your organization to ensure they meet the requirements of the HIPAA Security Rule. The goal is to identify any potential risks or vulnerabilities that could lead to a breach of PHI or other confidential information. If you want to know about HIPAA risk assessment in detail, you first need to identify risks that your business is facing.
Why Is a Risk Assessment Important?
A risk assessment helps your organization comply with HIPAA’s administrative, physical, and technical safeguards. It also helps you identify any areas where additional security measures may be needed. For example, if your organization does not have adequate access control measures in place, you can strengthen them before a breach occurs. A risk assessment also allows you to review existing policies and procedures related to PHI protection and ensure they are up-to-date with current standards and regulations.
How Do You Conduct a Risk Assessment?
The first step in conducting a risk assessment is collecting data about your organization’s current security measures. This includes reviewing existing policies and procedures related to PHI protection as well as identifying any potential threats or vulnerabilities in your systems or processes that could lead to a breach of PHI or other confidential information. Once you have collected this data, you can begin analyzing it for potential risks or vulnerabilities by using tools such as the Security Risk Assessment Tool from or the HIPAA Risk Assessment Template from
What Are Some Common Risks You Should Look Out For?
Some common risks associated with PHI include:
Unauthorized Access
Unauthorized access is a major risk when it comes to protecting PHI, as it refers to any person or entity accessing confidential health information without direct permission or authorization from the patient. This can occur through hacking into a system, stealing paper documents, or even accessing data by chance. Organizations should implement strong security measures such as two-factor authentication, encryption of electronic documents, and data backups to prevent unauthorized access.
Inadequate Encryption
Encryption is another important step in protecting PHI as it refers to scrambling data into code so that only authorized individuals can view the content. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to encrypt sensitive files due to technical challenges or costs properly. It’s important for all businesses handling PHI to ensure they are using adequate encryption software and practices that meet industry standards in order to keep information secure.
Lack of Employee Training
Employee training is essential when it comes to protecting PHI as it helps ensure employees understand the proper protocols for handling confidential information. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to provide proper training on how to handle PHI or don’t review policies regularly enough, which increases the risk that an employee may mishandle private health information or not react appropriately if there’s ever a breach or security incident. Organizations should do their due diligence in providing employee education materials related to handling PHI, as well as regular refreshers on policy updates and changes.
Poor Disposal Practices
Poor disposal practices refer to any improper methods used when disposing of physical documents containing private health information, such as throwing out unshredded papers in the trash instead of utilizing a secure document shredding service. To prevent this from happening, organizations should create clear policies around document disposal and provide staff members with guidelines on how best to dispose of sensitive files securely, like having locked filing cabinets where documents can be placed until they can be shredded at appropriate points in time when needed unlike simply tossing them in the waste paper basket.
Lack of Audit Controls
Audit controls refer to processes used within an organization for monitoring changes made within systems containing PHI, such as audits for modifications done by employees or external entities like vendors working on system updates. Without proper audit controls in place, businesses run the risk of not being able to detect inappropriate actions taken against protected health information which could lead to identity theft, fraud, etc. It’s crucial that organizations put processes in place that allow them to monitor activity within their systems closely, so they know what’s going on and have visibility into who has access and what has been changed.
Weak Authentication Methods
Authentication methods are used to give access to certain areas of your database or online platform where PHI might be stored. If these authentication methods are weak or outdated, they can be easily hacked or breached by those seeking to gain access. You should make sure that your authentication methods are strong enough to guard against possible intrusions. Examples of strong authentication methods include two-factor authentication and multi-factor authentication.
Outdated Software
Outdated software makes your systems vulnerable to malicious attacks and can lead to data loss and other technical problems. Make sure that the software used in your healthcare system is kept up-to-date in order to avoid any major issues down the line. Regularly updating all software packages is one way of keeping them secure and compliant with current regulations.
Poor Physical Security
Suppose physical security measures such as locks, alarms, cameras, and guards are lax or nonexistent. In that case, it becomes much easier for criminals to gain access to sensitive areas where PHI might be stored. All entrances must be secured properly with locks and monitored at all times in order to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the premises without permission. Additionally, invest in CCTV cameras and an alarm system that will alert authorities if a breach does occur.
Unsecured Networks
An unsecured network poses a huge risk for PHI because anyone connected to it could potentially steal data without detection. You must have robust wireless network security measures in place as well as reliable firewalls and antivirus software running on all computers connected to the network at any given time. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is another great tool for encrypting data sent across networks, including Wi-Fi connections at public places such as cafes and airports; perfect if you have staff who need remote access but don’t want their data compromised while traveling between sites.
Human Error
Even though technology plays a big role in keeping our data secure these days, human error is still one of the leading causes of data breaches through lost devices or forgotten passwords, etc., which leaves us vulnerable even with the best protective measures in place! Everyone working within your organization must understand their responsibility when handling PHI so as not to make costly mistakes that could lead to serious consequences for both them and you! To help reduce human error-related incidents, set standard procedures which everyone should follow when dealing with confidential information, such as logging out after each use rather than leaving devices logged into accounts.

Final Thoughts:
Despite all its benefits, PHI carries a lot of risk regarding security breaches if left unprotected by ineffective measures or processes – something nobody wants! By implementing strong authentication methods; regularly updating outdated software; investing in good physical security; setting up secure networks; and educating personnel on their PHI responsibilities, we can ensure that all patient information remains safe.